TSW Champion Program
The mission of Trailer Safety Week is to improve the safety of our nation’s roadways by raising trailer safety awareness through education of end-users, dealers, and manufacturers on safe trailering practices. Trailer Safety Week depends on extraordinary supporters who go above and beyond to reach their industry contacts and end users for the awareness campaign to expand its reach and effectively improve roadway safety. Further, to continue expanding the educational resources available to end users, NATM is looking to partner with experts and other key stakeholders in towing and traffic safety.
The Trailer Safety Week Champion program was created to highlight companies whose support of Trailer Safety Week exceeds that of a Trailer Safety Week Ally (TSW Ally) and as such, has earned greater promotional opportunities. While Trailer Safety Week includes Allies across the country, Trailer Safety Week Champions fulfill the following requirements after Trailer Safety Week and receive the benefits listed below.
Champion Requirements- Send info to trailersafetyweek@natm.com
Sign up as a Trailer Safety Week Ally
This can be verified by the TSW Team.
Include the Trailer Safety Week logo on their company website
Notify the TSW Team of the placement and provide the link.
Share daily Trailer Safety Week content via social media channels
This can be verified by the TSW Team.
Send one email communication piece promoting Trailer Safety Week
Please plan to report to the Trailer Safety Week team the number of email contacts on your list. This helps us gain a better understanding of the campaign’s overall reach.
Fill out the official TSW Champion Reach Report for the week of June 2-8 and send it back to the TSW Team
Filling out the TSW Champion Reach Report helps our team gain a better understanding of our campaign’s overall reach. Please fill out the marketing channels that your company utilized.
Champion Benefits:
Upon successful completion of the above requirements and their subsequent verification, Trailer Safety Week Champions will earn the following benefits:
Linked logo on the Our Supporters page of TrailerSafetyWeek.com
Listed in NATM’s coverage of Trailer Safety Week in Tracks Magazine and the NATM Insider eNews
Recognition at NATM’s Annual Convention & Trade Show
Contact the Trailer Safety Week team: TrailerSafetyWeek@natm.com